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Who Gets The Better Job offers, Generalists Or Specialists

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The Truth About Who Gets The Better Job Offers I recently read an article in the Harvard Business Review (Spring issue 2018) that I found was interesting and important to share with all of you.  It's never too late, especially if you're still in college, moved on to corporate America or working your way up the proverbial corporate ladder or some who refer to it as the Pyramid. Whatever you may think or have been told, let me share some facts.    First, the research was done by Jennifer Meriuzzi, an assistant professor at George Washington University School of Business and Damon Phillips, a professor at Columbia... Continue reading
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Are you leadership ready?

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Have you ever wondered how people become CEO's, President of a company or some other leadership role? In my experience as a formal President of an educational software company my goal was to one day be a President of a company. Why you may ask? It's in my blood to be a Leader. From my days in sports, I was asked to be the captain of many teams. Within three months of my first technology job at Intel Corporation I was made a supervisor. I've always been a risk taker, I push myself by getting out of my comfort zone, willing to start from the bottom... Continue reading
Hits: 28826

Marketing and Branding your Company

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Marketing and Branding your Company During my tenure at Apple Computer planning the build of Macintosh there was a lot of discussion of why we had the ‘Rainbow’ logo. Graphic designer, Rob Janoof under the instruction of Steve Jobs was asked to come up with the new logo.   We knew that this logo was going to be expensive to make due to the multiple colors used. The “bite” in the apple was implemented so that it would represent an apple and not another fruit. This also was a play on words for the technical term byte versus bite, since after all we were a technology company.... Continue reading
Tagged in: Branding Marketing
Hits: 10730
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  • Iggy Igette says #
    I'm hungry
    Reading this made me hungry. I want to take a bite out of an Apple now.

Leadership To Run Your Business

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It may be June Gloom time in coastal Orange County California, but it doesn’t have to be that way in your organization. I’m sure many of you have one time or another bought a company that you saw had great growth potential.   As the weeks and months go by, the past revenues aren’t increasing and the staff you inherited seems to have no drive or motivation.  As the leader, you’re tied up travelling across the country and internationally trying to bring in new business.  Meanwhile, back at the office the staff seems to have move slowly and have mediocre performances. Why not hire a consultant, like... Continue reading
Hits: 149272

Brain Storming Techniques

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Brain Storming Techniques Business Ideas you didn’t think of Most people at one time or the other has come up with an idea or ideas that they never pursue.   Eventually that same idea would become a profitable product or business by someone else that put their thoughts into action. In my career in the Silicon Valley, it was the beginning of technology. Semiconductors, Video Games, Computers, you name it, it was happening. Did anyone ever think that our cell phones would also become our computers or that you could stream movies or Skype and see love ones when we called them? Isn’t it mind blowing... Continue reading
Hits: 110853


Author Sharyle Sponsler writing abour women in business and women business leadersUpcoming Book

Inspirational stories from amazing women that beat all odds to achieve success by stepping up to leadership roles, combating fear by taking risks, and....

read more about upcoming book from Sharyle Sponsler owner of If I Only knew business Consulting








Strategies for Business

If I Only Knew Consulting has the experience and knowledge to take you through the step by step processes to make you and your business successful. We will work with and guide you through the necessary processes and hands on training that will help ensure your success...

read more about strategies for business from Sharyle Sponsler owner of If I Only knew business Consulting




Business Success Training

To succeed in business today, you need to be flexible and have good planning and organizational skills. Many people start a business thinking that they'll turn on their computers or open their doors and start making money - only to find that...

read more about business success training from Sharyle Sponsler owner of If I Only knew business Consulting